The Root of Communism  "The Jesuits"

The Jesuits & McCarthyism

To understand how President Obama's administration may fit in to the Vatican's agenda, it is, I think, necessary to cover briefly the record of Marxism in this country, since our current President is so often accused of having Socialist and/or Communist leanings.

One of the darkest periods in America's history was the McCarthy era in which a modern day Inquisition was set up to search out Communists, who were effectively known as the political "heretics" of the time.  What few people today know, however, is that Senator Joseph McCarthy was directly influenced by the Jesuit Order to begin his political movement that would operate with all the unreasonable zealousness that Rome's historic Inquisition was known for.

British author, Avro Manhattan described the covert activities that were taking place just a few months before McCarthy began his fearful crusade:

"...(in October, 1949) Cardinal Spellman was summoned to Rome by the Pope, with whom he had repeated and prolonged private sessions.  Although giving rise to sharp speculation, it remained a well guarded secret.  The new Catholic Secretary of the U.S. Navy (Francis Matthews", strangely enough, soon afterwards began unusually active contacts with other prominent American Catholics. Among these, Father Walsh, Jesuit Vice-President of Georgetown University; Cardinal Spellman, the head of the American Legion; the leaders of the Catholic War Veterans and with Senator McCarthy, the arch-criminal senator, who upon the advice of a Catholic priest, was just beginning his infamous campaign which was to half paralyze the U.S. for some years to come."

Joe McCarthy himself was educated by the Jesuits at Marquette University.  It is said that his Jesuit was a mentor named Edmund A. Walsh, S.J, a man known as an "anti-Communist" whose influence seems to have woefully infected his famous pupil.  By the time McCarthy's career as the American Inquisitor was over, he would be reduced to bitterness, humiliation and alcoholism.

Meet the Author Patrick McNamara

Patrick McNamara is an Archivist at the diocese of Brooklyn and teaches history at St. Francis College, St. Joseph's Seminary, and the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception.

This book is the first biography in 42 years of the priest and educator whom historians have called the most important anti-communist in the country. Edmund A. Walsh, as dean of Georgetown College and founder in 1919 of its School of Foreign Service, is one of the most influential Catholic figures of the 20th century. Soon after the birth of the Bolshevik state, he directed the Papal Relief Mission in the Soviet Union, starting a lifelong immersion in Soviet and Communist affairs. He also established a Jesuit college in Baghdad, and served as a consultant to the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal. A pioneer in the new science of geopolitics,(another way to say social engineering) Walsh became one of Truman's most trusted advisers on Soviet strategy.  He wrote four books, dozens of articles, and gave thousands of speeches on the moral and political threat of Soviet Communism in America.  Although he died in 1956, Walsh left an indelible imprint on the ideology and practical politics of Cold War Washington, moving easily outside the traditional boundaries of American Catholic life and becoming, in the words of one historian, practically an institution by himself.  Few priests, indeed few Catholics, played so large a role in shaping American foreign policy in the 20th century.

Interesting side note on Walsh: President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent a letter to Georgetown University when Father Walsh died in 1956, which read in part:

"The death of Father Walsh is a grievous loss to the Society in which he served so many years, to the educational and religious life of the United States and to the free people of the Western world. For four decades, he was a vigorous and inspiring champion of freedom for mankind and independence for every call to duty, all his energy of leadership and wisdom of counsel were devoted to the service of the United States."   Click here to view his:  Remarks at the Dedication of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service of Georgetown University.  October 13, 1958

McCarthyism is said to have been born in Washington D.C. on January 7, 1950:

"That night, a meeting took place at the Colony restaurant, a four-star establishment in downtown Washington. Attending were four men: Georgetown University politics professor Charles Kraus, attorney William A. Roberts, Fr. Edmund A. Walsh, a Jesuit and the head of Georgetown's School of Foreign Service, and Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy.  Of the four men, of course, the most notorious is Senator McCarthy....But perhaps the more important man to history on the night of January 7 was Edmund Walsh, the Georgetown Jesuit."

"On February 9, 1950, a little more than a month later, McCarthy made his infamous speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, announcing he had a list of the names of 205 Communists in the State Department.  Many in the media, even the Catholic media, had no doubt that Walsh had been the spur that propelled McCarthy.  The Catholic magazine the Churchman wrote in 1951 that McCarthy 'only fires the guns that are made for him by Father Edmund Walsh, SJ.' The Christian Century referred to Walsh as McCarthy's advisor. In 1953 leftist journalist I.F. Stone claimed that McCarthy 'has had the guidance of Father Walsh.

It can be said that American Catholics have had some of the strongest voices in opposition to Communist influence in this country and around the world.   It is likely that most of them are very sincere in their views.   But how many of them are aware of Rome's ties to Marxism, ties that go back to the 19th century within decades of the first release of The Communist Manifesto?  They would rightly ask: why would Rome condemn something on one hand, only to support it on the other?

Jesuit Marxism

To understand the Hegalian character of Jesuitical deception, (Hegalian dialectic, a very old Jesuit principle.) we must consider that the doctrines of Communism were designed by the Jesuits through what were known as their Reductions in Paraguay in the 17th and 18th centuries, which were a series of communes in which Jesuit priest exercised authority over the natives there.  In that environment, the Jesuit Order maintained control over a group of South American Guarani Indians, who they educated and trained to work on their behalf, generating goods that were later sold in the markets of Europe.   From a 1933 book titled, "The Revolutionary Movement" by J. Findlater, we read the following:

"...the Jesuits had established twenty strong Mission centres, called Reductions, with many thousands of the Guaranis enrolled as their members....The Jesuits aimed to set up there a completely communistic system, in the sense that no individual rights were recognized and there was no private property. Everything belonged to the State, and was supposed to be shared in common.  But in reality much the greater part of the proceeds of goods sold was always remitted to the Camarilla (Jesuit superiors) in Europe; and the Guaranis got only the bare necessities of life in return for their toil and sweat."

The Jesuit leaders provided the necessary food, clothing, and health care the Indians needed, while using them as "worker bees" to generate income for the order.  Just as the Soviet Union would do in the 20th century, the Jesuits maintained strict control over the activities of their subjects:

"...neither would they allow any Guarani to learn Spanish, nor would they tolerate and intercourse between the Guaranis and the peoples of the surrounding Spanish Colonies–a prohibition maintained at the sword's point."

They perfected their system of totalitarian control, all the while telling the world that their oppression over other people was, in fact, "Utopia," a deluded fantasy maintained by some Catholic historians to this day.  Perhaps worst of all is that the Jesuit did not present any form of the Gospel or what might be called the Christian faith to these poor Indians.

"There is no evidence that any effort was ever made by the Jesuits to impart the truths, properly so called, of the Christian religion....When the Jesuits were expelled, the Guaranis, having had no moral or religious training to fit them to continue in the Christian Faith, in a few years....became as if no religious teachers had ever lived and worked among them...."

The ideas the Jesuits developed in Paraguay over a period of 158 years, were then communicated to Karl Marx in the nineteenth century:

"For five years Karl Marx went to the Jesuit school in Trier, which during the Prussian period was known as the Friederich-Wilhem Gymnasium."

Along with Karl Marx, other leading Communists like Joseph Stalin and Fidel Castro were also trained by the Jesuits. In fact, the former Jesuit General, Pedro Arrupe (1965-1983) once boasted:

"And what makes you think we are not proud of Fidel Castro?"

While it is true that the Popes are known for condemning Communism, this on their part seems to be more political manipulation than anything else, since Rome has repeatedly supported the principles of Communist thought. "The Communist Manifesto" was first published in 1848, and within less than fifty years we find the Vatican publishing declarations in agreement with it.   In his book, "Ecclesiastical Megalomania," author John W. Robbins notes the following:

"One of the Roman Church-State's most influential statements on economic matters is the 1891 encyclical Rerum Novarum, On the the Condition of the working Classes. In this encyclical the Roman Church-State allied herself with the proletariat, which in Marxism is the great and final enemy of the capitalist order.  The encyclical's Marxism is so blatant that one Roman Catholic writer declared that 'much of encyclical (Rerum Novarum) appeared only to repeat in more orthodox language what Marx had said ten years before'....Indeed, there are paragraphs, if not pages, in The Communist Manifesto that might have been written by the pope..."

Then, incredibly, after about a hundred years of various Papal diatribes against Communism in all its forms, the Sunday Times of London reported that:

"Karl Marx, who famously described religion as 'the opium of the people', has joined Galileo, Charles Darwin and Oscar Wilde on growing list of historical figures to have undergone an unlikely reappraisal by the Roman Catholic Church."

The article goes on to quote Georg Sans, a professor at the Vatican's Gregorian University, who, with the utmost subtlety, speaks about Marxism in a way that seems carefully designed to undermine capitalism and promote the communist principles that Rome has always aligned herself with. Any study of the Papal influence in world governments–will prove that Capitalism, which is the promotion of free enterprise, is the very antithesis of official Roman Catholic dogma.

Because of these things, we cannot help but consider the possibility that the real purpose of the McCarthy era was to manipulated the American mentality with Hegelian tactics, intended in take the anti-Communist fury to such an extreme that it would become offensive to the American people. McCarthy's methods were so unreasonable that the idea of condemning someone for being a Communist was collectively shunned. If we consider the growing influence of Communism today, we can only wonder if McCarthyism had been part of the Jesuits greater plan all along: condition the people to despise anti-Communist "witch-hunting," then use their desire for toleration as an open door to usher in a more moderate version of it (i.e. Socialism) later on. Such tactics would be impossible to believe, except for the fact that we find Rome on both sides of the issue.

Communism & Barack Obama

Much has been said and published about Barack Obama's Socialist and Communist leanings and associations. Before he was elected president, the website Accuracy in Media published a lengthy article on the subject, in which they said:

"In his books, Obama admits attending 'socialist conferences' and coming into contact with Marxist literature."

But he ridiculed the charge of being a 'hard-core academic Marxist' which was made by his colorful and out spoken 2004 U.S. Senate opponent, Republican Alan Keyes.

"However, through Frank Marshall Davis, Obama had an admitted relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA 9CPUSA). The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his 'poetry' and getting advice on his career path."

Obama has also been linked to twentieth century neo-Marxist, Saul Alinsky, considered the father of community organizers, who, in his book Rules for Radicals, dedicates the work to the ultimate radical and, in our opinion, the real author of Communist philosophy:

"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins–or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom–Lucifer."

Saul Alinsky

Obama, Rome & The World Economy

Perhaps most significant to the Obama Administration was the Pope handing Obama his economic encyclical letter titled, Caritas in Veritate ('Charity in Truth'). The Pope's encyclical, which is the highest form of papal writing, call "for reform of the United Nations and financial bodies, giving them the 'real teeth' needed to tackle economic and social injustice." (Source: BBC News, "Pope calls for a UN with teeth," July 2, 2009)

These stories emerged, of course, in the midst of the financial crisis that impacted the globe because of the housing market collapse back in 2008-2009. It was well known that Obama had Socialist leanings, and once he was elected President, the conditions needed for him to advance a global economy seemed to fall right into place. Henry Kissinger, when commenting on how the newly elected Barack Obama should handle the various crisis situations, said:

"The president elect is coming into office at a moment when there are upheavals in many parts of the world...I think his task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when really a new world order can be created. It's a great opportunity, it isn't just a crisis."

When Obama visited the Vatican the same year, the Pope gave him a copy of his encyclical letter, as if handing him his instructions. Commenting on the Pope's writing, Michael Sean Winters said:

"At one point, Benedict sounds like he hired one of Obama's speech writers for a day."

But did the Pope hire one of Obama's speech writers, or did Obama have his views engineered for Rome?

President Eisenhower Handler Emond A. Walsh:  Click here